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Live demo

We make some remarks on the features of the demo which consists of several panels, each one showing a different aspect of the PEP3 system.

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Metering process

The panel marked “(1)” allows one to store a flow record in a our temporary database. Here one takes the role of the “metering process” that normally generates flow records based on the traffic through a router. To store a flow record, complete the form and press “Submit flow record”. On success the panel flashes green, while a red flash indicates an error. To quickly fill out the form correctly, press “Randomise all”.


Before a flow record is stored its IP addresses are encrypted and pseudonymised. This operation requires exactly three of the five peers shown on the “Peers” panel. A green flash indicates the involvement of one the peers in some operation. Accordingly, three peers briefly flash green when a flow record that contains a fresh IP address is stored.

By clicking on the circles one can switch the peers on and off, which is indicated by a green and grey border, respectively. When fewer than three peers are active, storing a flow record results in an error. (Without three active peers, the operation can not be performed.)

When peers are flashing and changing without your intervention, this is probably caused by another visitor of the webdemo. You may also find their records in the database. To limit interference, we empty the database and reset the peers every 10 minutes.


To retrieve flow records one can enter a query on panel “(2)”. There is only one table peped_flows, with ‘pseudonymised’ fields src_ip and dst_ip, and ‘plain’ fields start_time, end_time, src_port, dst_port, protocol, packets, bytes. One can choose to query the database either as “Researcher” or as “Investigator”, via the select box in the title of the panel. Note that the same query results in different pseudonyms for the researcher and investigator.

Concrete pseudonyms can only be included in a query via a parameter. To select all flow records with the chosen pseudonymised source IP address, press “Add parameter”, enter a under “parameter name”, the chosen pseudonym under “value”1, and use the following query.

SELECT peped_flows.p_src_ip, peped_flows.src_port, 
peped_flows.p_dst_ip, peped_flows.dst_port,
peped_flows.packets FROM peped_flows
WHERE peped_flows.p_src_ip=:a

If the text box turns red, then the query is invalid in some way (explained in detail in the javascript console). Note that selecting on a pseudonym of the researcher as the investigator yields no results. This strict separation of pseudonyms is one of the main benefits of using PEP.

In order to keep the pseudonyms the database uses internally confidential, not every SQL query is allowed. Obviously, direct comparisons between pseudonyms and ‘plain’ values such as

SELECT peped_flows.p_src_ip FROM peped_flows
WHERE peped_flows.p_src_ip="some longer string"

are banned, and neither is an inequality test of the form

SELECT peped_flows.p_src_ip FROM peped_flows
WHERE peped_flows.p_src_ip<"e"

allowed, as it would reveal the values of these pseudonyms by bisection. Less revealing operations such as ordering by a pseudonymised column,

SELECT peped_flows.p_src_ip FROM peped_flows
ORDER BY peped_flows.p_src_ip

are disallowed as well, on the general principle that the ordering of the database’s pseudonyms is none of the querier’s concern. In the same vein, operations such as +, -, SUM, … on pseudonyms are rejected too.

Counting the number of pseudonyms, on the other hand, is perfectly acceptable:

SELECT COUNT(peped_flows.p_src_ip), peped_flows.protocol  FROM peped_flows 
GROUP BY peped_flows.protocol

For this demonstration, we support only a small subset of SQL; the additional restrictions placed on these queries for dealing with pseudonyms are set out here.


In certain circumstances depseudonymisation of an pseudonymised IP address might be appropriate, for example, when a pseudonymised IP address appears to commands and controls a botnet. Peers will not comply with such a request unless a ‘warrant’ to this effect is presented that is signed by a separate designated entity. How they should come to their decision to issue the warrant is beyond the scope of this demonstration, but you can take their role via panel “(3)” marked “Judge”. Just copy a pseudonym you retrieved via panel (2) into the text box, select whose (“Researcher” or “Investigator”) pseudonym is being depseudonymised, and press “Sign” to create the warrant.

Note that the warrant mentions the pseudonym only in encrypted form, so that the warrant can be presented to the peers without revealing the pseudonym.

To perform the depseudonymisation, copy1 the encrypted pseudonym, and signature, from panel “(3)” to panel “(4)”, select your role (“Researcher” or “Investigator”), and hit “Submit request”. (Be sure the database was not cleared in the meantime.)

Note that the “Investigator” cannot present a warrant in panel “(3)” that is issued to the “Researcher”; the peers will reject it.

Since to whom a pseudonym belongs a judge cannot tell it is in principle possible to create a warrant that allows the investigator to depseudonymise one of the researcher’s pseudonyms. But upon execution of the warrant the peers will interpret the encrypted pseudonym as one of the investigator’s, and the depseudonymisation will result in failure or garbage.


  1. When copying a pseudonym, make sure you copy the whole pseudonym; when the pseudonym contains “+” only one side of it might have been selected by double clicking.  2